
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-12
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Abstract: Established in 1943, The Economist has a long history of over 160 years. It has a high reputation in the field of politics and economics. It set a special column for China since 2012. In today’s society, it is still the most convenient and economical way to get information by browsing newspapers and magazines. But, it’s very hard for Chinese readers to understand the original version. So, it’s important to translate The Economist. The author chooses 3 articles from The Economist combined with Chinese version as analysis sample. Then, the author will classify these materials into three types: headlines, difficult sentences, textual structure. In order to find which translation strategy and technique they use. The author will study the materials, then, concludes the translation strategies and techniques suitable for the translation of business discourse in The Economist. 


Key words: The Economist  economical discourse  communicative translation





1 Introduction-1

2 A Study on The Economist-2

2.1 Linguistic Features-2

2.2 Translation in Present Situation-3

2.3 Communicative Translation Theory-4

3 Research Status-5

3.1 Overseas Researches-5

3.2 Domestic Researches-5

4 Methods of Different Language Materials-6

4.1 Translation Methods on Headlines-6

4.2 Translation Methods on Sentence Patterns-9

4.3 Translation Methods on Textual Structures-13

5 Conclusion-14



