
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-12
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Abstract:As we all know, being a part of culture, different countries, regions or races have different languages. Therefore, translation is a cross-cultural bridge and the link to communicate across languages. However, due to the degree of influence language users, there are differences in economy, political systems, customs, habits, and so on. So Chinese and westerners also exist certain differences in terms of thinking, not to mention the way to express feelings or make translations. This article aims to analyze the main  difference between English and Chinese way of thinking and their respective in reflected in the form of the language expression from the perspective of cultural relations with translation differences between Chinese and western culture as breakthrough. And through the example to discuss how to adjust the differences in the translation process so as to adapt to the expression of Chinese habit, we can make a conclusion about the influence of thinking difference on translation, and finally summarize the countermeasures of thinking differences which influence the translation.

Key words: language  translation  cross-cultural communication  differences






Chapter 1 Definition of the Affective Meaning-2

1.1  Affective Meaning and Its Adjacent Concepts-2

1.2 Affective Meaning and Its Embodiment-3

Chapter 2 The Differences of the Affective Meaning between Chinese and English Translation-6

2.1 The Factors Which May Lead to Cultural Differences between Chinese and English-6

2.1.1 Differences in Geographical Environment-7

2.1.2 Differences in Religious Beliefs-8

2.1.3 Differences in Historical Background-8

2.1.4 Differences in Customs and Habits-8

2.2 The Performances of the Differences of the Affective Meaning between Chinese and English Translation-9

2.2.1 The Expression of Showing Direct and Implicit-9

2.2.2 The Handle of the Cultural Images-10

Chapter 3 Strategies-13

3.1 Mutual Integration of Language and Culture -13

3.2 Respect of the Traditional Culture of China and the West-13

3.3 Direct Translation-14

3.4 Alternating Translation Method-14



