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Abstract:It is very common today that most teachers adopt phonics skills to teach vocabulary, some even directly read new words for students, and then students follow. After class students can learn new words with the help of audios or videos. However, after a questionnaire and interview in two schools which were in the town of Suining and Guang’an, the author found that phonics is suit for schools that are in cities or areas with high educational conditions. Yet in country or towns, there is little access to high educational technology. And students can benefit little from these supportive tools, then phonics works inefficiently on them, as a result of this, many students can’t learn new vocabulary by themselves. So the author put out two questions:Will phonetic symbol help these students more than phonics? If it is necessary to teach phonetic symbol, can relating phonetic symbol to Chinese Pinyin contributes to the teaching of phonetic symbol? In this thesis the author conducted a survey and experiment aiming to prove the hypothesis. 

Key words:Junior English in town and country, Chinese Pinyin. 





1. Introduction

  1. 1 Research background

  1. 2 The significance and purpose of this thesis

  1. 3 The framework of this thesis

2.Literature review. 

2. 1 phonetic symbol teaching Abroad and Home. 

3. Methodology

3. 1 Research Instruments

  3. 1. 1 Questionnaire

  3. 1. 2 Test

  3. 1. 3 Interview

  3. 1. 4 Experiment

3. 2 Data collection

  3. 2. 1 The procedure of questionnaire

  3. 2. 2 The procedure of Test

  3. 2. 3 The procedure of interview

  3. 2. 4 The procedure of Experiment

4. Data analysis and findings 

  4. 1 The analysis and findings of the questionnaire

  4. 2 The analysis and findings of the interview

  4. 2 The analysis and findings of the test

5. Discussion

  5. 1 Conclusions

  5. 3 Limitations



Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4
