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Abstract:English has borrowed plenty of words from French. Especially during the period of Middle Age English,French had a great influence on English for the determinant factor “the Norman Conquest” (1066). French influenced English not only on vocabulary quantity,but also on the wide ranges such as For politics,religion,law,and the words’ inflectional change.This thesis centers on the influence of Norman Conquest on English political , legal, religion, literature, building and social life terms, to show the concrete impact of Norman Conquest made on English words. It will help us to understand the origin of English vocabulary, and will promote our English teaching.

Key words: French;  English;  Norman Conquest





1. Introduction  .4

2. The historical background of Norman Conquest .5

3. The Influence of Norman Conquest On English .6

  3.1  The influence of Norman French on English political terms.7

  3.2  The influence of Norman French on English legal terms8

3.3  The influence of Norman French on English Religion terms9

3.4  The influence of Norman French on English literature terms.11

3.5  The influence of Norman French on English social life terms.12

3.6  The influence of Norman French on English Building terms.14

 3.7  The influence of Norman French on some others of English terms15

4.Conclusion 17


