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Abstract:The connection between the countries in the world is getting more and more closely, English has become an essential communication tool, the importance of learning English is self-evident. Implementation of quality education in our country has become a necessary way of education reform, in order to cultivate high-quality all-round development of elites, China's education has increased investment. China's implementation of nine-year compulsory education, junior high students' cognitive level and learning ability have been improved. So we must seize this stage for students' English ability. Of course, not all stages of the teaching objectives, each stage is important for the children.

Cooperative learning is first undertaken in foreign countries and popular. And achieved good results in educational practice abroad gain a good response, according to the needs of China's national conditions and China's education reform, our country also began to use cooperative learning in the class as a usual teaching method. Also, because most of our classes are large classes, so taking group cooperation teaching model, not only it can cultivate students' communication skills as well as teamwork skills. Meanwhile because it can allow students to give full play by the children's own initiative, so students will learn the knowledge and remember more solid. Teachers in this process help to solve the problems put forward by the students in a discussion so as to improve teaching efficiency. But the group cooperative learning in the actual teaching will have its specific implementation problems and shortcomings, in the following text it will be analyzed in detail. This paper studies the real practice in junior high school on cooperative learning, with questionnaire it is found that the cooperative learning is a new tread in today’s teaching. And using cooperative leaning, it can make students be interested in studying and study actively, which is beneficial for their own development and Chinese education development. 

Key words: junior English; cooperative learning; strategy research





Chapter 1.-6

1.1 The Background of The Study-6

1.2 The Significance of The Research-7

1.3 The Purpose of The Study-8

Chapter 2. Literature Review-8

2.1 The study of Cooperative Learning Aboard-8

2.2 The study of Cooperative Learning in China-9

Chapter 3: The Theoretical Basis of Cooperative Learning-10

3.1 The Definition of Cooperative Learning-10

3.2 The Significance of Cooperative Learning-11

3.3 The Constructivism Theory-12

3.4 Vigotski’s Zone of Proximal Development-12

3.5 The Motivation Theory-13

Chapter 4: Methodology-14

4.1 Research Questions-14

4.2 Research Objectives-14

4.3 Research Methods-14

Chapter 5:Results and Discussion-15

5.1 Analysis of Questionnaire-15

5.2 The Problems Remained and Solutions-18


6.1 The Conclusion of Research-20

6.2 The Limitation of Research-21



