
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-12
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Abstract:Language and culture are inseparable. Language is the carrier of culture, and culture has a great influence on the development of language. Idioms, as an important form of language, often reflect the culture of a region or a country. The cultural difference is the main obstacle of language translation, and the translation of idioms is a prominent problem in the language translation. Because of the different ways of thinking in different countries, and the differences of geography, history, religion, customs and so on, the translation of idioms in intercultural communication becomes a difficult point in language translation. How to effectively convey the meaning of idioms of the source language to the target language readers, while retaining their cultural connotation in the source language is the key to idioms translation.

     This thesis comparatively studies English and Chinese idioms from a cross-cultural perspective. It analyzes the similarities and the discrepancies of the idioms of English and Chinese. At the same time, it divided the discrepancies of English and Chinese idioms into 3 aspects: the conflict, the divergence and the blankness, which help us have a better understanding of the influence of cultural differences on English and Chinese idioms. Finally, it puts forward three translation methods: literal translation, literal translation and supplementary instruction, borrowing and free translation.

Key words: idioms Culture Translation





Chapter one Introduction-1

Chapter two Culture, Language and Idioms-1

2.1 Language and Culture-2

2.2 Idioms and Culture-3

Chapter three The Similarities and Discrepancies between English and Chinese Idioms-4

3.1.Similarities between English and Chinese Idioms-4

3.2 Discrepancies between Chinese and English Idioms-6

3.2.1 Conflict of Cultural Meaning between English and Chinese Idioms-6

3.2.2 Divergence of Cultural Meaning between English and Chinese Idioms.-7

3.2.3 Blankness of Cultural Meanings between English and Chinese Idioms.-8

Chapter four Idioms Translation-10

4.1 Literal Translation.-10

4.2 Literal Translation and Supplementary Instruction-11

4.3 Borrowing-12

4.4 Free Translation-13

Chapter 5 Conclusion-14

