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Abstract:Reading original works for high school students' English learning plays a very important role. The author takes Dawan High School as an example, according to the consequences of observation and communication with students in Dawan High School, the present situation of high school students' reading original works is worrying. In this article, The author put forward some views and suggestions on the basis of the analysis of the present social educational situations and the characteristics of original works in English. With the propose to help improve the middle school students' ability in English learning.

Key Words: Original works High school students English learning






1. Literature Review-6

2. The Characteristics of Original Works-8

2.1 Interest-8

2.2 Literariness-8

2.3 Emotional Effect-8

3. Methodology-9

3.1 Objectives-9

3.2 Respondents-9

3.3 Instruments-9

3.3.1 Observation-10

3.3.2 Interview-10

3.4 Data Collections-10

3.5 Data Analysis-10

4. Findings and Discussions-11

4.1 The Present Status of Reading Original Works in Dawan High School-11

4.2 The Positive Influence of Reading Original Works-12

4.2.1Expanding Students' Vocabulary12

4.2.2 Improving Students’ Learning Interests.-13

4.2.3 Knowing About Different Cultures of Western Countries.-14

4.2.4 Promoting Language Acquisition.-15

4.3 The Negative Influences of Reading Original Works-16

4.3.1 Inheriting Outdated Words-16

4.3.2 Undermining Confidence-16

4.3.3 Neglecting the Textbook Knowledge-16

5. Suggestions and Tips-17

5.1 Moderate Difficulty Level-17

5.2 Voluntary Principle-17

5.3 The Management and Guidance-17

6. Conclusion-18



