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Abstract:Jane. Eyre is a long novel written by Charlotte Bronte——a famous English woman novelist with her own life experience. This novel portrayed a girl named Jane Eyre, our heroine, who was independent,self-reliant and dared to love and hate. In this novel, she fought with the injustice of the patriarchal Society, pursued independence, freedom and equality. Jane set up a good example for the women in the new era by reversing the images of traditional women.

   In this thesis, the thesis will start with the introduction of the author and the life experience of Jane’s. Then, the thesis will analyze the process, reasons and background of Jane’s struggle for recognition of independence, freedom, equality and true love. Based on the analysis, you will consider Jane as a model of the women in the new era and a representative of Feminism.

All in all, in this novel, Jane Eyre, as the heroine, she struggled hard and ended up obtaining the recognition, was a good model that women should emulate nowadays. 

Key Words:  independence   freedom   equality love recognition   feminism






Chapter I Introduction of Charlotte Bronte and Life of Jane Eyre-6

1.1 Introduction of the Author-6

1.2 Life of Jane Eyre-7

Chapter II A Detailed Analysis of the Struggle for Recognition of Jane Eyre-9

2.1 Jane’s Pursuit of Independence-9

2.2 Jane’s Pursuit of Freedom and Equality-12

2.3 Jane’s Pursuit of True Love-14

Chapter III Jane’s Rebellion and Feminism in Jane Eyre-15

3.1 Jane’s Rebellion-15

3.2 Feminism in Jane Eyre-16



