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Abstract: Education is the basis of country, whereas the education of minorities is closely connected with the development and prosperity. This point attracts many scholars’ attention. As a result, this paper will introduce the policy of indigenous education policy in Australia and compare ethnic minorities’ education policy with Australia’s. From comparison and contract, we can learn lesson or good points from Australia. Therefore, the first part tells us the formation, composition and present situation of two countries’ ethnic minorities; the second and third part respectively discuss the changing process of the Australian indigenous education policy, and compared with the educational policies for ethnic minorities in China, deduce the importance of national identity and some suggestion on China educational policy for ethnic minorities from multicultural policy in Australia. Due to the complexity of the minority education in our country and arduous, long-term characteristics, when facing our country in the construction of the new era, we will meet new challenges, such as not paying enough attention to minority language education, the loss of traditional culture. In a word, this paper is based the comparison of minority education policy of the two countries, by drawing on the stones from other hills, to promote the development of ethnic minorities in China


Key Words: Australian Multicultural policy;Preferential policies of ethnic minorities in China; Sense of Identity






1 The Introduction to the Living Background of Minorities in Australia and China-7

1.1The Living Background of Australian Indigenous-7

1.2 The living Background of China Ethnic Minority-8

2 The Education of Indigenous Identity from Discrimination to Integration of Australia and Suggestion on China Minorities Policies-9

2.1 The Suzerain Massacre of Australia in the Period of Colonization-10

2.2 The National Assimilation Educational Policy to Indigenous People of Australia-11

2.3 The Integrated Educational Policy to Indigenous People of Australia-12

2.4 Experience of the National Assimilation Educational Policy and the Suggestion on China Minorities Policies-13

2.5 Experience of Integrated Educational Policy Educational Policy and the Suggestion on China Minorities Policies-14

3 Multicultural Policy of Australia and Suggestion on Supportive Educational Preferential Policy of China-15

3.1 Multicultural Policy and Supportive Education Policies to Indigenous-15

3.2 The Introduction to Minority Educational Preferential Policy of China-17

3.3 Contrast Between Educational Preferential Policy of China and Multicultural Educational Policy to Indigenous People of Australia and Suggestions on Chinese Policy-18



