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Abstract:When reading the two Chinese versions of Harry Potter, the author found them different in many aspects, such as language style, wording and the comprehension of the original work. These differences may bring different feelings and comprehension to the children readers. Thus, the author decided to study and compare the two Chinese versions of translation with the example of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The author has learned about children’s literature, translation theory, the translation of children’s literature and papers about the topic of this thesis. In this thesis, the author will take Yan Fu’s translation principles, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, as the theoretical guidance during the study and comparison of the translation of these two versions. Some advices on the issue of the translation of children’s literature will be given by the author with the study and comparison of a large number of examples from both Chinese versions. The advices are as follows: children’s literature should concern more about accuracy, concise, vividness and the interests the author trying to convey based on the three principles brought forward by Yan Fu.

Key words: children’s literature translation Harry Potter comparison faithfulness expressiveness elegance






Chapter One Children’s Literature and the Translation of Children’s Literature

1.1Children’s Literature3

1.2The Translation of Children’s Literature .4

Chapter Two Comparison of Faithfulness in Two Chinese Versions 

2.1.Faithfulness in Children’s Literature .6

2.2. Examples and Comparison .6

Chapter Three Comparison of Expressiveness in Two Chinese Versions

3.1.Expressiveness in Children’s Literature 8

3.2.Examples and Comparison 8

Chapter Four Comparison of Elegance in Two Chinese Versions

4.1.Elegance in Children’s Literature 11

4.2.Examples and Comparison 12


Bibliography 17

Acknowledgements .18
