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Abstract:In recent years, with the development of television and the Internet, even the combination of global economy and different cultures,American TV series makes a big difference to English learners, and there are more positive effects than negative effects. The standard American pronunciation, traditional American culture and typical American thinking help learners to learn better about English. Modern Family is the typical American sitcom.   Modern Family can be more helpful for English learners to learn English better than other American dramas for choosing materials from daily life, developing them with the times, shaping the characters’ characteristics veritably as well as distinctively and adopting creative and bold production methods.


Keywords:American TV series; sitcom; English learning; Modern Family





1.The Development and Influence of American TV Series2

2.Analysis of Some Typical American TV Series  .4

3.Various Themes Attracting Students to Learn More About English. 5

3.1 The Issue of Advocating Native Culture and History7

3.2 The Issue of Adoption .8

4. The Role of Watching American TV Series in Studying English9

4.1 To Improve Spoken English.9

4.2 To Improve the Cross-Culture Understanding.9

4.3 To Improve Translation Skills.10 

4.4 To Enlarge the Vocabulary.11 



