
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-12
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Abstract: With the development of women’s liberation movement and the enhancement of feminism awareness, more and more people attempt to interpret the Bible from feminism. Men are more dazzling than women in the Old Testament. The role of woman is procreation as a mother. Majority of women don’t have a voice at all. Under the influence of patriarchy, the images of women had always been neglected. This thesis depicts four female representatives in the Old Testament: Eve, who is the mother of all the living; Deborah, the only one prophetess; filial Ruth and dauntless Esther. This paper tend to vivify an interpretation of women’s images in the Old Testament the feminism under the patriarchy by analyzing women’s status and function in the Old Testament and nowadays.  

Key words: the Old Testament  women’s image  patriarch






1 The Women’s Status in the Old Testament-2

2 Eve, the Mother of All the Living-3

3 Three Matriarchs in the Old Testament-5

3.1 Deborah, the Only Prophetess-5

3.2 Ruth, the Happiness Pursuer-7

3.3 Esther, the Dauntless Heroine-9



