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Abstract:     As is known to all, British English and American English are the same language. American English grows out of British English. It is not only an inheritance of British English, but also is sculpted by the new mainland environment. Although the external difference between them is not very obvious, they also don’t make the learners who learn the two types of English not to understand, one another, they have great and many differences between their tiny points. It can be made clearly after a carefully study. These tiny points make English learners who do not master this language well often feel confused, so they bring a lot of obstacles to their reading comprehension, listening comprehension, verbal communication, writing and so on. As the English learners, it is necessary for us to get somewhat acquainted with the differences between them to help us study and keep us from unnecessary troubles. People who don’t know British English and American English clearly often have a prejudice about them, like that “which is better?” This thesis makes an analysis and comparison of British English and American English in terms of their backgrounds, pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary and grammar, hoping to help the learners know the differences completely and objectively between British English and American English.

Keywords: British English  American English  backgrounds  differences





1. Introduction   

2. The Reasons for the Different Formation Between British English and American English 

2.1 Different Historical Backgrounds  

2.2 Different Environments 

2.3 Different Cultural Characteristics

3. The Differences in Details Between British English and American English

3.1 The Differences in Pronunciation Between Them

3.1.1 The Differences in Individual Sounds.

3.1.2 The Differences in Stress.

3.2 The Differences in Spelling Between Them 

3.3 The Differences in Vocabulary Between Them

3.3.1 Different Words or Phrases with the Same Meaning Between Them.

3.3.2 The Same Word or Phrase with Different Meanings Between Them.

3.3.3 Others.

3.4 The Differences in Grammar Between Them  

3.4.1 Collective Noun..

3.4.2 Verb.

3.4.3 Preposition

3.4.4 Pronoun..

3.4.5 Auxiliary

3.4.6 Conjunction

3.4.7 Idiom..

4. Conclusion 


