
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-12
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Abstract: The globalization is today’s world basic feature, which requires collaboration between countries and countries. There is no exception to our country. As we all know, language is the tool to communicate. And we have to learn English, the national language, to start our relationship with other countries. Therefore, whatever it is teacher or parents, there is an increasing trend to pay attention to English. As the cornerstone of English education, Primary school’s English teaching became the hot topic and important point.

My thesis will take experimental school attached to Sichuan Normal University for example. Because of my internship in there, I mainly use such methods as interview survey, observe survey and documentary method. I interviewed teachers of grade two, especially grade under three. In addition, I also made questionnaires for students and I have been observed them during their class for nearly three months. I obtained a great many practical knowledge about game teaching. All those findings show that game teaching can enhance student’s learning interest and prove the efficiency of primary school’s teaching.


Keywords: Primary school’s teaching Game teaching method Teaching design
