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Abstract:     Reading is one of the four fundamental skills of English learning for learners. For most Chinese learners, reading is also the most essential approach to gain knowledge, to obtain foreign information, and to learn a second language without the native language learning context. Today, English teachers and students in Senior High school are also facing the great challenge to improve the reading ability. Therefore, the questionnaire will be sent to the Senior High school in rural areas, and the results of the current situation of Senior High school students’ use of reading strategies will be discussed in this study. Finally some useful suggestions will be recommended accordingly to improve students’ reading efficiency, to build their long-term confidence of learning, to arouse the students’ interests, and to improve the quality of education in rural areas.

Key words: Senior High English learning  reading strategy  remote rural areasanguage Culture High school students Communicative competence Cross-cultural communicative competence





1. Introduction-5

1.1 The background of the study-5

1.2  The significance of the study-7

2. The reasons for the study of reading strategies in English learning-8

2.1 The requirements of the New Curriculum Standards-8

2.2 The needs of the students-8

3. An investigation on the students’ English reading strategies-9

3.1 Definition and classification of reading strategies-9

3.2 The investigation in Renshou No.1 High School-11

3.2.1 Research questions-11

3.2.2 Participants-11

3.2.3 Instruments-11

3.2.4 Data collection-11

3.3 The analysis and discussion of the results-13

4. The cultivation of students’ reading strategies-14

4.1 Special training of different strategies in the reading class-15

4.1.1 Skimming strategy-15

4.2.2 Scanning strategy-16

4.1.3 Prediction strategy-17

4.1.4 Guessing the meaning of new words strategy-18

4.1.5 Recognizing reference relationship strategy-19

4.2 Overcoming bad reading habits-20

5. Conclusion-21



