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Written by Chinese-American writer Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club became the best-seller as soon as it was published in America,raising a boom of Chinese - American Literature,which,has made great contribution to the entrance of Chinese works into the mainstream literature in the U.S. Not only has the book shown the traditional culture from the mysterious China, to a great extent it has also performed the great conflict between the two different cultures at the same time. The study on this book from scholars at home and abroad mainly focus on the following three aspects,that is the topic,the cultural interpretation of the novel and the storytelling. Accodingly,in this paper I would study further about the diffrences of the two cultures at various aspects and hopefully we may gain some inspiration. Cultural communication has become inevitable process for Chinese people who welocome people from all over the world in her strive for modernization and globalization with the development of the society. Cultural differences have become great obstacles to intercultural communication.Therefore, the cultural antagonism and integrity are what I attempt to explore in this background.


Key Words: The Joy Luck Club, Chinese - American Literature, cultural differences






1.Analysis of the Language-2

1.1 The Power of Storytelling-2

1.2 Chinese elements in the narratives written in English-3

2. Interpretations of the symbols-4

2.1 Suyuan’s Pendant-5

2.2 Lena’s Vase-5

2.3 Lindo’s Red Candle-6

3. Major Characters of Each Family and Their Representation-7

3.1 Jing-mei Woo-8

3.2 Lindo Jong-10

3.3 Rose Hsu-11

3.4 Ying-ying St. Clair-12



