
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-12
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Abstract: For English learning at high school, grammar is not only the important content of English learning for high school students, but also a difficult point for English learning. Although teachers in high school have made the greatest efforts to perfect the content of their grammar teaching, there still exist many problems in today's English grammar teaching, such as single teaching method, lacking of teaching resources, backward teaching concepts, etc, in which teaching ideas and methods are the main reasons. This article mainly from the perspective of students sets some goals which include stimulating students’ interest, giving full play to the students’ own initiative and following the rules of development of student's body and mind. It first analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of grammar in senior high school, and then it uses the results of some grammar teaching researches at home and abroad, especially the "classroom teaching grammar activity" concept, as the theoretical foundation of this article, summarizing some activity types which is suitable for domestic situation of grammar teaching. Thirdly, according to the actual cases of grammar teaching, it proposes a series of corresponding teaching measures in the hope of improving the teaching of grammar in senior high schools.

Keywords: High school English teaching; Grammar practice activities; Teaching theory of grammar practice activities in class






1.-The Current Situation of the English Teaching of Grammar in Senior High Schools-3

1.1 New English Curriculum Reform and College Entrance Examination Reform-3

1.1.1 The New English Curriculum Reform-3

1.1.2 The College Entrance Examination Reform-4

1.2 Problems of the Teaching of Grammar in Senior High School-5

1.2.1 Monotonous Teaching Methods-5

1.2.2 Insufficient Teaching Resources-6

1.2.3 Old-fashioned Concepts about Grammar Teaching-7

1.2.4 Lack of Authentic Language Environment-8

2.-Literature Review-9

2.1 The Study of the Teaching of Grammar-9

2.2 The Study of Grammar Practice Activities-11

2.2.1 The Definition of Grammar Practice Activities-11

2.2.2 The Study of Grammar Practice Activities Abroad and at Home-12

3.-Samples Teaching-18

3.1 The Use of Painting-18

3.2 Situation Creation-19

3.3 Games-20

3.4 Role Play-22

3.5 Poetry Reading-22

3.6 Music Appreciation-23



