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This paper makes an analytical study of Hawthorn’s well-known short story Young Goodman Brown. Reading it from the perspective of Jung’s theory of man’s individuation, it explores the relationship between social morality and individuation under the religious civilization in the colonial period of New England. It argues that focusing only on or emphasizing too much social morality and ignoring or suppressing a person’s individuality bring great problems to both man and the society and the shadow’s positive effect shouldn’t  be ignored to make a man to be a whole man.

Key words: Hawthorne   Young Goodman Brown   Persona   Individuation   Shadow






Chapter1: Persona and Individuation in Jung’s Theory-8

1.1 Persona is the Embodiment of the Social Rules-9

1.2 Individuation and Shadow of Humans-10

1.3 Relationship between Persona and Individuation-12

Chapter 2: Developing Persona and Repressing Shadow too much for Brown-14

2.1The Negative Influence of the Ignorance of Shadow-14

2.2 Over-developed Persona Makes a Man Incomplete-15

2.3 Brown in the Alienating Society-17

Chapter 3: Brown’s Failure in Individuation-18

