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 At the very beginning of this century, under the direct lead of the State council, the Ministry of Education started the reform in basic education courses, issuing criteria of 20 courses during the compulsory education period, English included. Due to the education in the countryside lagging behind of that in the city, the government chose to launch the pilot project in SEC(specific economic zone ). Several years later, it was required to set up English course in the county and some rural areas. Limited by the poor education conditions and teaching faculty in the countryside, the English course just existed in name only, so the education status t in the countryside was still far behind of that in city. Certainly, there were many other factors which influenced the consequence, like location, economy, policy, even teachers and students themselves. About the issue, educators around China have done many researches. Some declared that new education was necessary in rural areas, some indicated that the quality of teachers was the key to solve the problem, others pointed out the government ought to give more support. As a consequence, it’s not hard for us to see that the qualitative change of  English teaching in the countryside is still a long way to go. This thesis is based on educational survey, respectively choosing classes in the countryside and city as the research object. Centered on ‘What, Why, How.’ Firstly described the English studying status in the countryside and city, including students’ study motivation, talents, and characteristics. Then described teachers’ knowledge bank, teaching skills and personifications. The next is teaching conditions, consisting of the environment and policies. Aimed at these aspects, listed the feasible solutions accordingly. What students should change, how teacher develop themselves and what should the government do. At last, gave conclusions.

Key words: English teaching Gap Reason Solution





Chapter 1. Differences on the English teaching status between countryside and city-1

1.1 The study status of students-1

1.1.1 Study motivation-1

1.1.2 Students’ learning talent-2

1.1.3 Students’ characteristics-3

1.2 The quality of teachers -5

1.2.1 Knowledge bank-5

1.2.2 Teaching methods and skills-6

1.2.3 Teachers’ characteristics-6

1.3 Teaching conditions-7

Chapter 2. Feasible solutions-7

2.1 Solutions to Problems from the students themselves-7

2.1.1 Motivation-7

2.1.2 Learning habits-8

2.2 Solutions to the Problems from the teachers.-8

2.2.1 Teacher’s abilities-8

2.2.2 Teacher’s roles-9

2.3 From the government-9

2.3.1 Hardware support-9

2.3.2 Software support-9




