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Abstract: Students in the junior high school are under the period of puberty which is quite a crucial stage for them to study. When faced with the teaching methods aiming at the senior high school entrance examination, students may lack interest in studying English, and consequently, they do badly in English study. Using movie clips combines the knowledge characteristics with the practicability of English very well, which enhances the interest and initiative of students to study English and makes the students manage the proper use of English in situational teaching. This paper focuses on the origin, development, advantages and disadvantages of Situational Language Teaching, presuming that teachers can take advantage of foreign movie clips to initiate situational teaching, using classroom observation and interview method to analyze the effects with the learning characteristics of junior high school students. Meanwhile this paper will propose some methods and notes of using movie clips for situational teaching more efficiently in listening and speaking courses and find the possible problems and their solutions.     


Key words: creating situations; junior school; movie clips; Situational language teachinghtened. 

Key words: Lord of the Flies, allegory, evil humanity






Chapter One Literature review-3

1.1 Constructivism-3

1.2 Input hypothesis-3

1.3 Affective filter hypothesis-4

1.4 The existing studies-5

Chapter Two Research methods-7

2.1 The Case Study-7

2.2 Classroom observation-7

2.3 Interview method-7

2.4 Data collection-8

Chapter Three Data analysis and findings-8

3.1 Data analysis-8

3.1.1 The analysis of movie types-8

3.1.2 The methods the teachers use-9

3.1.3 The contrast between the situations of the two classes-12

3.1.4 The interview of the students-12

3.2 Findings and discussion-13

3.2.1 Findings and discussion-13

3.2.2 Possible problems-16


Appendix 1-17

Appendix 2-18


