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     English euphemism as a common linguistic and cultural phenomenon, which is so widely used in our daily communication. It acts as an effective lubricating oil that can erase those disgusting, terrifying and embarrassing situations in a mild and polite way in order to help people built a harmonious relationship with each other. There are many scholars had studied euphemism from many aspects.

     In order to revolve the general laws of euphemism, to reach a better understanding to it. This paper will consult the previous research and introduce the euphemism form it’s definition, characteristics and four pragmatic functions including taboo functions, polite functions, humor functions and covering up functions. At the same time a brief analysis will be given on the application of the euphemism in English teaching and in our daily life. And give some advice to teachers for their daily teaching. The main research methods of this paper are literature research method and observation method. For having a better grasp of the research object,  materials will be collected through reviewing literature, books and so on. 

Key words: euphemism  pragmatic function  social life  application in education






2.Definition of euphemism-5

3.Characteristics of English euphemism-6

3.1 Feature of indirection or implicitness-6

3.2 Feature of times-6

3.3 Feature of region-7

3.4 Feature of universality-7

4.Pragmatic functions of euphemism-7

4.1 The function of being avoiding taboo-8

4.1.1 Taboo for death-8

4.1.2 Taboo for poverty-9

4.1.3 Taboo for job-9

4.1.4 Physical disability-10

 4.1.5 Taboo for pregnancy and Eros -10

4.2 The function of being polite-11

4.2.1 Euphemism for age-11

4.2.2 Euphemism for communication-12

4.2.3 Euphemism for toilet-12

4.3 The function of being humorous and ironic-13

4.4 The function of covering up-13

5.The application of English euphemism in education-14


