
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-15
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As more and more foreign companies are entering into the Chinese market, there is a growing number of legal activities between China and other countries, and a large number of Chinese laws are translated into different language versions, especially English. In order to allow that foreign investors and international friends have a better understanding of the legal culture of our country, high-quality legal text translation is essential. On this basis, the contract law as one of the most frequently used laws in the field of trade, the author takes this law as the objective of study and carefully studies the legal provisions and official translation, to make a further exploration based on the existing research.

The purpose of this paper is to study the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China (CLPRC as abbreviation) and its translation. Through careful analysis of the frequently used techniques of Chinese-English translation, this paper summarizes the translation characteristics of legal text. From the macro point of view, this paper explores the principles of translation, translation strategies and translation methods; from a micro perspective, it involves the use of various types of translation techniques, such as addition and omission. This paper adopts the literature research method, inductive method and illustration method.

This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the existing research results in this field. The second chapter analyzes the characteristics of legal texts and the characteristics of CLPRC. The third chapter focuses on the translation principles of legal texts. Generally, the author states the related principles such as functional equivalence, accuracy and precision, consistency and identity, formality and rigor principles. The fourth chapter elaborates on the translation strategies, methods and techniques.-

The significance of this paper is to study the translation phenomenon in legal translation and provide a guidance to the translation study of legal translation.


Key words: CLPRC; Legal text; Translation Principle; Strategy






2.-Literature Review-3

2.1  Studies on Translation of Legal Text Abroad-3

2.2  Studies on Translation of Legal Text at Home-3

3.-Analysis of the CLPRC-5

3.1  Analysis of the Legal Texts-5

3.2  Characteristics of the CLPRC-7

3.2.1  The Tone of the CLPRC-8

3.2.2  The Syntax Features of the Translation of CLPRC-9

3.2.3  The Lexical Features of CLPRC-11

3.2.4  The Format of the CLPRC-12

4.-The Translation Principles of CLPRC-13

4.1  Functional Equivalence-13

4.2  Accuracy and Precision-14

4.3  Consistency and Identity-16

4.4  Formality and Rigor-16

5.-The Translation Strategy, Method and Technique-17

5.1  The Foreignization Translation Strategy of CLPRC-17

5.2  The Translation Methods of CLPRC-18

5.3  Translation Techniques of CLPRC-19

5.3.1  Addition-19

5.3.2  Omission-19

5.3.3  Others-19



