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With the rapid developing of the word, the exchanges between different countries are increasing as well as the cultural exchange. People who speak different languages have different social and cultural background, and cultural exchanges cannot do without the exchange of language, because language is the carrier of culture, and it’s the center of culture. At the same time, culture is the embodiment of language, language can be translated inevitably means culture also can be interpreted. Translation is a must for understanding and communicating between different cultures.  China and the western world has already started communication by trade from the Western Han Dynasty, speed into the translation and translation research field. Recently, with the development of economy in Xinjiang, the communication between English and Uighur is increasing rapidly, and it made urgent demand in English and Uighur cross cultural studies. But due to the geographical location, social habits, living environment, historical and cultural reasons of different cultural differences, cross-cultural studies still in difficult. This is also brought some obstacles on English to Uighur literary translation and Uighur English learner to overcome. By comparative study of cultural communication between English to Chinese and English to Uighur literary translation work, the author aimed the find out how cultural communication influence literary translation and what can Uighur literary translation work can draw lessons from Chinese literary translation work. Furthermore to promote the exchanges between English and Uighur and flourish English to Uighur literary translation work.


Key words: Literary translation;Culture communication;English-Chinese,;English-Uighur





1 Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 Significance of the Study-2

1.3 Structure of the Dissertation-3

2 Literary Translation and Culture Communication-3

2.1 Literary Translation-3

2.2 Culture-4

2.3 Relationships between Literary Translation and Culture-5

3 Comparative Study on English-Chinese and English-Uighur Literary Translation  

 Under Culture Communication-7

3.1 English-Chinese Literary Translation-7

3.1.1 Living Environment-8

3.1.2 Historical Culture-9

3.1.3 Social Customs and Habits-9

3.1.4 Thinking Mode-10

3.2 English-Uighur Literary Translation-11

3.2.1 Living Environment-11

3.2.2 Historical Culture-12

3.2.3 Social Customs and Habits-12

3.2.4. Thinking Mode-13

4 Findings on English-Chinese and English-Uighur Literary Translation-14

4.1 Similarities-14

4.2 Differences-16

5 Conclusion-17


