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The Holy Bible is filled with the historical life of the Israelites and the thoughts of theology and so on. We can see the development of Israelite culture and human civilization in every chapter. This thesis takes an object based on the Book of Ruth from the Old Testament to research, through comparison between the lines in Scripture, and have a detailed understanding of the usage of literary techniques in the passage and the influence of historical situation to this book which can help us have a new attitude of reading Bible. The focus of this thesis is to analyze the multiple identities of the hostess – Ruth, from a poor living widow, to a daughter-in-law trying to get along with her mother-in-law, to becoming another man’s wife, and finally to be a mother who is a very important mother in this family, we also try to understand the historical culture of that certain time when judges ruled and the good qualities of Ruth that became a blessing to her. These good qualities are still important for us to learn today.

     I will use these two ways in my thesis. One is to pay attention to the description of the contents of the book itself. The text analysis based on historical context and the historical issues which will be solved in the text. The other one is through the various features reflected in the text, this thesis will seek the situation of that society, politics economy and history. Starting from the analysis of external reasons, that certain time of the social and historical situation can be reconstructed in this thesis.

     The Bible usually records the historic movement about some leaders such as Moses who lead his people out of Egypt and the tremendous achievements of David, Solomon and other Prophets. While the Book of Ruth takes a gentle and kind woman Ruth as the protagonist, which is different from the mainstream of the Bible. The content of women's stories also provides more room for Bible reading. Feminism developed gradually under the impetus of modern thought. 

Key words: Bible; Book of Ruth; Ruth; identity






1.1 The Introduction of the Bible-1

1.2 The Introduction of the Book of Ruth-2

1.3 The Introduction of the Author of the Book of Ruth-3

1.4 The Introduction of Meaning of This Thesis-3

2.Life Experience of Ruth-5

2.1 The Background of Book of Ruth-5

2.2 The Life Experience of Ruth-5

3.Four Different Kinds of Identities of Ruth-7

3.1 Ruth as a Widow-7

3.1.1 The Introduction of the Term of “Widow”-7

3.1.2 Ruth’s Identity of Widow-8

3.1.3 One Related Example of Widow in the Old Testament-9

3.2 Ruth as a Daughter-in-law-10

3.3 Ruth as a Wife-12

3.4 Ruth as a Mother-14



