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In the contemporary communicative teaching, the teacher's question becomes very important. Questions reflects the thinking orientation, the teacher can timely control the students’ degree of understanding and mastering. The study theoretical based on Krashen's "Input hypothesis", meanwhile, it uses classroom observation method, interview method to solve the problem of the following three aspects: one is what kind of questioning techniques the English teacher already have and what are their specific performance; Secondly, in practical teaching of Senior High school’s English class, what problems do the English teacher’s questions have and what are these problems’ causes. 

Key words: Senior English; Classroom questioning; Art





1  Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research Purpose-1

1.3 Significance of the Research-2

2  Literature Review-3

2.1 Definition of Questioning-3

2.2 Studies at Home and from Abroad-4

2.2.1  Art of questioning ---- Different Types of Questions -4

2.2.2  Art of questioning ---- Features of Classroom Questioning -5

3  The Expression of the Art of Questioning in Senior High School’s English Class-7

3.1 The Rules of Putting forward Questions-7

3.1.1 Based on the Teaching Outline-7

3.1.2 Different level of questions and Variable questions-8

3.1.3 Clear and concrete-9

3.2 The Techniques of Questioning-10

3.2.1 Careful Preparation-10

3.2.2 Proper Order of Teacher's Questions-11

3.2.3 Pause after Questioning-12

3.2.4 Closed/Open Questions and Process-structured Questions-13

4  Findings and Analysis of the Questioning in Senior High School’s English Class-16

4.1 The Problems of Questioning in Senior High School’s English Class-16

4.2 The Reasons for These Problems-17

5  Suggestions-19

6  Conclusion-20


