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As we all know, teacher’s feedback plays an important role in promoting students’ learning motivation. With the development of the world, it requires teacher’s feedback be more creative and effective, and teachers need to know more feedback strategies and can’t just use the traditional feedback. Only in this way can students’ learning motivation be highly promoted. Of course, teacher’s feedback can be proper and improper. 

Therefore, this research focuses on the impact of teacher’s feedback on junior school students’ motivation in English learning. It will give a brief introduction to motivation theory and teacher’s feedback, the current situation of students’ motivation in English learning , and how teacher’s feedback impact students’ motivation in English learning and some feedback strategies. In the process of doing the research, I will apply two methodologies, including interview and classroom observation to answer the following three questions: First, what is the current situation of students’ motivation in English learning? Second, what are the approaches that teachers adopt to promote students’ motivation in English learning? Third, what are the influencing factors of students’ motivation in English learning? 

Through the research, the author found that the quality of teacher feedback needs to be improved. At the same time, appropriate facial expressions and body language are helpful to reduce the anxiety of students. Through this study, we hope that the majority of teachers can get the following enlightenment: realize the importance of effective teacher feedback, and strive to improve the quality of teacher’s feedback.

Key words: Teacher’s feedback; Students’ motivation in English learning; Junior school students 





1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research contents-1

1.3 Significance of Study-2

1.4 Structure of study-2

2. Literature Review

2.1 Introduction to motivation theory-4

2.1.1   The Definition of Motivation Theory-4

2.1.2 The Influencing Factors of Students’ Motivation in English Learning and The Approaches of Training and Inspiring Students’ Motivation in English Learning-5

2.2 Introduction to Teachers’ Feedback-6

2.2.1 The Definition of Teachers’ Feedback-6

2.2.2 The Classification of Teachers’ Feedback-7

2.2.3 The Characteristics of Effective Teachers’ Feedback-8

2.2.4 The Effect of Teachers’ Feedback-9

2.3 Empirical Studies on the Impact of Teachers’ Feedback on Students’ Motivation in English Learning at Home and Abroad-10

2.3.1 Previous Studies on the Impact of Teachers’ Feedback on Students’ Motivation in English Learning in Foreign Countries-11

2.3.2 Previous Studies on the Impact of Teachers’ Feedback on Students’ Motivation in English Learning in China-12

3. Methodoldy

3.1 Research Questions-14

3.2 Participants-14

3.3 Research Methods-15

3.3.1 Interview-15

3.3.2 Classroom Observation-16

3.4 Data Analysis-16

3.5 Procedures-17

4. Findings and Discussions

4.1 The Current Situation of Students’ in English Learning-18

4.2 Proper Feedback can Reduce Students’ Anxiety-19

5. Conclusion

5.1 Summary of Major Findings-22

5.2 Implication of the Research-22

5.3 Limitations of the Research-23

5.4 Suggestions for Further Study-23



