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This paper is aimed at proving that educational games is main factor that can influence learning motivation based on theoretical and practical researches, especially English learning motivation. Research on educational game industry proves that making full use of educational games can have positive influence on learning motivation, including the interest and the great habits of English learning. Educational games can stimulate students' learning interest and learning motivation, so as to improve learning efficiency. This thesis illustrates the definition of learning motivation, the function of learning motivation, and the main factors that can influence the learning motivation. In addition, it also introduces the definition of educational games which include classroom games and virtual games, the significance of using educational games in senior high English class and the results can be achieved by using educational games. On this basis, we use the literature research method and classroom observation for senior high students in Ya’an middle school to analyze how to use educational games in the process of English teaching, to achieve the purpose of the game, and to achieve the value of educational games. In this case, we analyze the positive influence of educational games on students' learning motivation.

Key words: Leaning motivation; Educational games; English teaching






1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research Purpose-2

2-Literature Review-3

2.1-Introduction to Learning Motivation-3

2.1.1 The Definition of Learning Motivation-3

2.1.2. The Function of Learning Motivation-4

2.1.3 Factors to Stimulate Learning Motivation-6

2.2 Introduction of Educational Games in English Class-7

2.2.1 The Definition of Educational Games in English Class-7

2.2.2 The Significance of Educational Games in English Class-9

2.3 Empirical Studies on the Influence of Educational Games on the Learning Motivation Home and Abroad-10

2.3.1 Previous Studies on the Educational Games on the Learning Motivation in Foreign Countries-10

2.3.2 Previous Studies on the Educational Games on the Learning Motivation in China-12


3.1 Research Questions-14

3.2 Participant-14

3.3 Research Methods-15

3.4 Data Analysis-16

4 Findings and Discussions-18

4.1 To Discuss How to Motivate Learning Motivation-18

4.2 To Discuss How to Achieve the Aims of Educational Games-19

4.3 To Discuss How the Educational Games Influence Learning Motivation-19

5 Conclusion-21

5.1 Implications of the Research-21

5.2 Limitations of the Research-21

5.3 Suggestions for Further Research-21


