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 The author of Walden is Thoreau, who is known as the first environmentalist, and he is an ecologist who is concerned about the state of human existence. Walden is considered as one of the greatest works in American history. This book records the author's life in the forest bit by bit, and each little detail reflects the harmonious and friendly relationship between man and nature. Thoreau, as a transcendentalist, developed this doctrine on the basis of Emerson and formed a set of his own theories. This book is also the embodiment of his transcendentalism. The book records the author's secluding life in Walden He developed a harmonious relationship with nature, This book is also the author in the pastoral life found himself, perception of himself, reshape himself. Read this book, can lead people into a clear, sweet, elegant world. The author and the nature change their heart to have a deep communication, so that this is their maximum contact with nature. It is so beautiful, so harmonious.

Key words:-Walden; harmonious; nature and man





1  Introduction-1

2  The Relationship of Nature and Human-2

2.1 Henry David Thoreau and His Works-- Walden-2

2.2 In the mid-19th Century,the Relationship of Nature and Human,and the State of Society.-4

2.3 The Harmonious Relationship between Nature and Man in Walden-4

3 The Reason of the Author Pursuing a Harmonious Relationship between Human and Nature-5

3.1 The Effect of the Transcendentalism-6

3.2 The Effect of his Own Personality-7

3.3 The Effect of the State of the Economy at that Time-7

4  The Influence of Thoreau’s Opinion-8

4.1 The Influence of His Thoughts on that Time-8

4.2 The Influence of his Thoughts on Contemporary Times.-9

4.3 The Influence of His Thoughts to Literature-10

5  Conclusion-11

