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Jane Eyre is an autobiographical novel; it records Jane’s growth experience and the bold pursuit of love. At the same time, it’s a novel with love as its theme. It tells us such a theme: the value of man is composed of dignity and love. Jane Eyre strongly believed that all the souls are equal before God. She lived positively and pursuited love bravely. Her indefatigable and self-reliant spirits deeply attracted readers. The Bible is a wonderful religious book, so it has far-reaching influence on People. In Jane Eyre, there is no doubt that it has deep affection on the heroine-Jane Eyre. The Bible has always been a great spiritual power, supporting her to defeat difficulties, pursuit happiness, and won love. This paper will elaborate the biblical influence on Jane Eyre from three views, upbringing experience, outlook on life, and outlook on love.

Key words: Jane Eyre; Bible; Upbringing; Outlook on life; Outlook on love





1  Introduction-1

2  The Biblical Influence on Jane Eyre’s Upbringing-4

2.1 The Childhood-4

2.2 The Youth-5

3  The Biblical Influence on Jane’s Outlook on Life-8

3.1 Jane’s Adherence to Bible-8

3.2 Jane’s Rebellion against Bible-9

4  The Biblical Influence on Jane’s Outlook on Love-11

4.1 Jane and Rochester-11

4.1.1 The Paradise-11

4.1.2 Paradise Lost-13

4.1.3 Paradise Regained-16

4.2 Jane and St John-18

4.2.1 St John’s Love-18

4.2.2 Jane’s Rejection-19

5  Conclusion-21


