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After six-year work, published in 2014, Everything I Never Told You, is written as a debut by Celeste Ng, who is an American-Chinese writer and novelist. With the theory of trauma, personality and feminism, the thesis is to uproot the causes of the abnormal behaviors of the family and look into Lydia’s death so that readers can get a better understanding of the author’s values and attitude towards education and life. This paper is divided into 3 parts. The first part is to examine the influence of the social factors, such as racial discrimination and sexual discrimination that influenced James and Marilyn. The second part is to analyze the causes of family, Marilyn and James’s unrealistic expectations and their influence on Lydia’s death. The last part is to analyze how Lydia her own individual factors play a part in her tragedy.

Key Words: Celeste Ng; Everything I Never Told You; Tragedy






1 Social Factors-2

1.1Racial Discrimination-2

1.2 Sexual Discrimination-4

2 Domestic factors-6

2.1 Influence of Lydia’s Mother-6

2.2 Influence of Lydia’s Father-7

2.3Influence of Lydia’s Brother-8

3 Individual factors-10

3.1 Thirst for Maternal Move-10

3.2 Loneliness in Inner World-12



