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Teachers’ questions occupy a very important position in class. Nowadays, with the implementation of quality-oriented education, students have become the main part of the class, teacher's role has changed from a simple lecture into the guide of students. Teacher questioning is one of the most common and fundamental strategies to stimulate students in class. And it is also an effective way to ensure that students are the main part in class. Teacher questioning has a long history. Many scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of successful researches about that. But the domestic research mainly focuses on the techniques and functions of teachers' classroom questioning, and the research about the influences of teacher questioning on the development of students' thinking ability is still inadequate. Based on Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive objectives, the writer carried out a three-month observation at Chengdu No.20 Middle School and interviewed the teachers and students there. The writer tries to find out the characteristics of English teachers' classroom questioning and the characteristics of students’ thinking ability in class. And the writer tries to find out the problems the teachers are faced with and give some feasible solutions.


Key words: Teacher Questioning; Influence; Thinking Ability; Bloom’s Taxonomy





1 Introduction1

1.1 Research Background1

1.2 Research Purpose. .2

1.3 Significance of the Research2

1.4 Structure of the Research3

2 Literature Review.4

2.1 Teacher Questioning4

2.1.1 Definition of Teacher’s Questions4

2.1.2 Functions of Teacher’s Questions.4

2.1.3 Study on Teacher Questioning at home and abroad6

2.2 General Introduction to Bloom’s Taxonomy in Cognitive Domain.9

3 Methodology.11

3.1 Research Questions 11

3.2 Participants11

3.3 Research Methods 13

3.4 Data Collection and Analysis .15

 4 Findings and Discussions.16

4.1 Characteristics of Teacher Questioning 16

4.2 Characteristics of Students' Thinking  .23

