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 This thesis mainly discusses the art of irony in Animal Farm. Combining with its writing background and author’s experience, and with two types of irony -- structural irony and verbal irony, this thesis will mainly analyze the art of irony of those typical characters, such as “Napoleon” 、“Snowball” 、“Boxer” 、“Benjamin” and so on. By writing this thesis, writer of this paper wants to get to know the implied meaning of this allegorical novel and expose the real appearance of totalitarianism. Besides, this novel not only reflects the situation at that age, but also warns today’s government and individuals.

Key words: George Orwell; Animal Farm; Art of Irony; Totalitarianism





1. Introduction-2

1.1 The Background Information of Animal Farm-3

1.2 The Main Idea of Animal Farm-4

2. A Deep Analysis on the Art of Irony in Animal Farm-6

2.1 Structural Irony-6

2.2 Verbal Irony-7

2.3 Analysis on the Irony expressed in the Characters-8

2.3.1 Napoleon--A Dictator-8

2.3.2 Snowball----An Idealist-10

2.3.3 Benjamin--An Intellect-12

2.3.4 Boxer--A Loyal Follower-13



