
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-15
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Under the background of the new curriculum reform, interactive English teaching is a new concept of teaching. Interactive English teaching is a teaching form which means teachers and students through control every part of English class, and based on knowing and understanding each other, then make progress together. It is a kind of dynamic mediation pattern of teaching which developed by Vygotsky's development theory, by using teaching materials as the clue, through the interaction between teachers and students and the interaction between students themselves as the teaching process, to implement the development of student's listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Therefore, finding the strategies for promoting interactive English teaching is an important research direction in the teaching area.

  This thesis takes the junior middle school English class as the object of study, and the English teachers and students are the main body in junior middle school. Through the domestic and foreign documents to research junior middle school English classroom, then analyze the different teaching strategies are used by different English teachers in class.

  This thesis by using the method of document research, aim to deal with the following problems: firstly, what is interactive English teaching. Secondly, what is the feature of interactive English teaching. Thirdly, what is the strategy for promoting interactive English teaching. Then objectively analyze the junior middle school English teachers' understanding of the interaction in English teaching and its usage, also analyze the existing problems. And I hope to try my best to combine with teaching practice, then put forward relevant teaching suggestions for existing problems.


Key Words: Interactive English Teaching; Strategy; English class





1  Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research Purpose-1

1.3 Significance of the Research-2

1.4 Structure of the Paper-3

2  Literature Review-4

2.1 Definition of the Interactive Teaching-4

2.2 The Features of Interactive English Teaching-4

2.2.1 The Interactivity of Process-4

2.2.2 The Universality of Content-5

2.2.3 The Diversity of Organization Form-6

2.2.4 The Flexibility of Teaching Methods-6

3  Ways to Promote Interactive English Teaching-8

 3.1 The Classroom Techniques of Interactive English Teaching -8

 3.2 The Creation of Students' Communicative Competence-9

 3.2.1 The General Introduction to Communicative Competence-9

 3.2.2 Inspiring Students' Ability of Interaction-10

 3.3 The Design of Teaching Activities-12

 3.3.1 Designing Interactive Tasks in English Teaching-12

 3.3.2 Creating the Real Situation in English Teaching-14

4  Conclusion-17

4.1 Implication of the Research-17

4.2 Limitation of the Research-18


