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Teacher plays a major role in ELT classes, therefore, it arouses wide concern of many language researchers and English teachers. Playing an appropriate role can contribute to doing activities in ELT classes and make ELT classes effective. In order to foster communicative ability and teach grammar knowledge, teachers should play different roles. At the same time, teachers need to create a good learning atmosphere in ELT classes. Meanwhile, they need to inspire and guide students to learn and teachers should listen to heartfelt wishes of the students, etc. The paper makes an analysis of the teacher's new role in traditional English teaching, and analysis the teacher’s role in the ELT classes, and illustrates what role teachers should play in the new era. 

Key words: Teacher’s role; ELT classes; English teaching





1 Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-2

1.2 Research Purpose-3

1.3 Significance of the Research-3

2 Literature Review-4

2.1 Definition of  Teacher’s role-4

2.2 Teacher’s Role in traditional English teaching class-5

3 Teacher’s New Roles in Present English Teaching Class-6

3.1 Necessity of change of Roles in English Teaching Class-6

3.2 New Roles-12

3.2.1 Being a Organizer-12

3.2.2 Being a Regulator-12

3.2.3 Being a Professor-13

3.2.4 Being a Creator-13

3.2.5 Being a Professor-14

3.2.6 Being a Partner-14

4 Conclusion-15


