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 In recent years, it has received more and more attention to development of English teaching, and English teaching in high schools has become a top priority. High school education is different from the stage of compulsory education. The main purpose of senior high school English curriculum is to cultivate students 'ability to test, improve students' ability of language comprehension and create favorable conditions for them to continue English learning and future development. In high school English teaching, teachers often find that under the same situation, students’ English performance shows a significant gap or even polarization phenomenon, the formation of such a variety of causes are the issues to be studied in this paper. The phenomenon of polarization has seriously affected the implementation of English curriculum concept, which is not conducive to the improvement of English learning achievement and teaching quality. Throughout the relevant research at home and abroad we find that the materials are mostly involved in junior high school stage. But we also find that quite a few scholars focus on high school stage. This paper mainly investigates and studies the polarization of English learning in senior high school on the basis of predecessors. The first step is to develop appropriate countermeasures through the investigation, the analysis of the reasons for the polarization of high school English learning. Second step is through the specific implementation of the measures to reduce the polarization phenomenon. The last step is to sum up some practicable methods and strategies to reduce polarization. 

Key words:  High School Student; English Learning; Polarization





1  Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research Purpose-2

1.3 Significance of the Research-2

1.4 Organization of the Dissertation-3

2  Literature Review-5

2.1 Polarization in English Teaching-5

2.1.1 Definition of Polarization in English Teaching-5

2.1.2 Influence of Polarization in English Teaching-6

2.2 Related Studies on Polarization-6

2.2.1 Polarization in English Teaching Abroad-6

2.2.2 Polarization in English Teaching at Home-7

2.3 Researches of Polarization abroad and at home-8

2.3.1 Researches by Foreign Researchers-8

2.3.2 Researches by Domestic Researchers-9

3  Main causes of polarization-10

3.1 Causes of Polarization from Family-10

3.2 Causes of Polarization from Society-10

3.3 Causes of Polarization from School-11

3.3.1 School Teaching Organization-11

3.3.2 Teaching Works of Teachers-11

3.4 Causes of Polarization from Students-12

3.4.1 Students’ Unsteady Knowledge Foundation-12

3.4.2 Students’ Incorrect Learning Attitude-12

3.4.3 Students’ Inappropriate Learning Method -13

3.4.4 Students’ Feeble Learning Will-13

4  Methodology-14

4.1 Purposes-14

4.2 Subjects-14

4.3 Instruments-14

4.4 Procedures-15

4.5 Data collection and analysis-15

5  Countermeasures of polarization-17

5.1 Strengthening parent-child Communication-17

5.2 Closing family-school cooperation-17

5.3 Establishing a good relationship between teachers and students-18

5.4 Improving teaching strategies and methods-19

5.4.1 Tamping the foundation -19

5.4.2 Using stratified teaching methods-19

5.4.3 Using flexible teaching forms-19

5.5 Cultivating students' good learning will and learning habits-20

6  Conclusion-22

6 .1 Implications of the Research -22

6.2 Limitations of the Research -22


Bibliography -27

