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Grammar is the link of vocabulary and sentences. With grammar, people can express themselves appropriately and understand each other in the class or in daily life. So when teachers teach English, connecting teaching with reality is necessarily in China. For grammar teaching, many students feel boring. If teacher didn’t pay attention to cultivate students’ interests, they will lose interests or confidence. Especially the students in some rural areas of our country, they don’t learn English in the primary school, but start to learning English in junior middle school. It is important to attract them to learn grammar with activities. Trough interviewing for the teacher in Chaungxing middle school and “The beginning” training school, it is discovered that the main method of grammar teaching used by most teachers is the deductive method, less of them use the inductive method, and the methods are separated from activities. So combining the deductive method and the inductive method with activities is interesting and can help improve other ability, such as spoken ability. And for the rural areas where grammar is taught by explanation in Chinese, it is important to combine activities with grammar teaching methods with the prerequisite of taking students students learning level. The thesis shows that the inductive method combing with activities is more helpful for students’ ability to apply and speak. 

Key Words: Grammar Teaching; Role-play; Games; The Deductive Method; The Inductive Method





1  Introduction-5

1.1 Background information-5

1.2 Research purpose-6

1.3 Research significance-7

1.4 Structure of the Dissertation-8

2  Literature review-8

2.1 The role of grammar in English learning-8

2.2 Grammar teaching methods in the middle school-10

2.2.1 The deductive method-10

2.2.2 The inductive method-10

2.3 Grammar activities-11

3  Research methods and data collection-13

3.1 Research questions-13

3.2 Research participants-14

3.3 Research methods-15

3.3.1 Interviews-15

3.3.2 Classroom observation-16

3.3.3 Tests-16

3.4 Application of teaching methods combining with activities-16

4  Data analysis and findings-16

4.1 Data analysis of the interview for teachers-17

4.2 Data analysis of the interview for the students-17

4.3 Data analysis of the test.-18

5  Discussion and results-19

5.1 Problems of the deductive method and inductive method-19

5.1.1 Problems of the deductive method-20

5.1.2 Problems of the inductive method-20

5.2 Discussion of the interviews and tests-20

6  Conclusion-22

6.1 The implication of the research-22

6.2 Suggestions for grammar teaching-23


Appendix ⅰ-23

Appendix ⅱ-24

Appendix ⅲ-26


