
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-15
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With the development of our society, English dominates our daily life gradually and becomes a essential part of our life. It plays a vital important role in the daily commercial negotiations, cultural communications and foreign affairs. Undoubted, all the activities could take place with a proper median: Translators and Interpreters, which are educated by the university, armed with the proper translations theories and skills. Recently, the studies on translation theories has been sprouting out, but the studies on equivalent theories are much scarce.

This thesis aims at taking the common translations materials in college as an example. Through the deep analysis and discussion, the author can find the common tactics of applying the equivalent theory; Through the detailed examples, the author can illustrate the four aspects of equivalent theory, lexical equivalence, sentence equivalence, passage equivalence and stylistic equivalence. Finally, the author can conclude how to enforce the use of equivalent theory in education. The author wants to help people understand how to use the translating strategies according to the different situations and emphasizes that translators should keep the cultural intention as many as possible. Therefore, readers can understand the inner heart of the writer. In addition, the authors also wants to help people understand foreign language and the western culture better in order to be succeed in trans-cultural compunctions by the better use of the language. 

In the first chapter of this thesis the author introduces the origin and development of equivalent theory. In the second chapter the author leads the meaning of this theory in. In the third chapter the author makes a literature review of the studies on the equivalent theory. Therefore, the authors compare and conclude the examples from the four aspects in the forth chapter. On the basis, the authors makes the conclusion on how to promote the equivalent theory in bachelors’ education in the fifth chapter. 


Key words: Functional equivalence; Translation; Cultural background






1 Introduction of functional equivalence-2

1.1 Concept of functional equivalence-2

1.2 The impact of the functional equivalence on the translation education-3

1.3 The contribution of functional equivalence-6

2 Literature review on the study on functional equivalence-6

3 The status of translation education.-8

4 The application of functional equivalence theory-10

4.1 Enforce the explanation on the difference of the logic-10

4.2 Teach more information about the cultural background-11

4.3 Enforce the explanation on the differences of language habits-11

4.4 Enforce the combination of translation theory and translation practice to intensify their translation skills-12



