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Nowadays, Chinese English major students’ communicative ability are not that excellent. Poor commanding of connected speech can be one of the important reasons. Based on the survey of the English major students’ studying and commanding situation of connected speech in Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu University, and Chengdu Neusoft University. The paper illustrate the detailed definition of connected speech in linguistic study and then describes the status quo of connected speech study in the aspect of the teachers’ way of teaching, students’ studying and the arrangement of the school. Next, This paper mainly analyze the importance for English major students to learn connected speech well from three different aspects: it can help English major students to master English communication better, it can help English major students to find the beauty of this language, and it is important to English major students for their career plan. After that it analyses the present problems of studying connected speech and the corresponding measures.

Key Words: The connected speech; The English Majors; Career planning and development.





1  Introduction-4

1.1 The definition of connected speech-4

1.2 Liaison-4

1.3 Epenthesis-5

1.4 Plosion-5

1.5 Assimilation-5

1.6 Elision-6

1.7 Strong and weak forms-7

1.8 Stress-7

1.9 Intonation-8

2  The status quo of connected speech study for the English major students-9

2.1For the universities-9

2.2.For English major students’ teachers-9

2.3 For English major students-9

3  The advantages of Studying connected speech -11

3.1 Studying connected speech will help English major students to master English communicaiton better-11

3.2 Studying connected speech is important to English major students for their career plan.-13

3.3 Studying connected speech will help English major students to find the beauty of this language-16

4. The present problems of commanding connected speech and related countermeasure-19

4.1 For universities-19

4.2 For the teachers:-20

4.3For the students-22

5  Conclusion-27


