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The enlightenment education of children has become a very important research problem. The study of children's literature has been more and more concerned by the people who were not interested in the past. The focus of the studies on the translation of English children's literature is the study of translation standards. This paper is divided into three parts; the first part is the introduction and literature review, a brief summary of the research results and problems. The second part is chapter three and chapter four, which introduces the most common translation standards of the present situation, namely, focusing on the original text and focusing on the target text. However, these two kinds of translation standards have their own limitations, which cannot be a good translation of the essence of children's literature and cater for the contemporary readers or scholars. Therefore, the translation standard of children’s perspective begins to pop. In this paper, the author uses descriptive and perspective research methods to analyze the different factors that affect the translation standard of English children's literature. The last part is the conclusion that the standard of translation of children's literature is not the only one, but mainly based on the children's perspective translation standards and combines a variety of different translation strategies.


Key words: Children’s literature; Translation standards; Children’s perspective 





1  Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Research-1

1.2 Significance of the Research-1

2  Literature Review-3

2.1The Definition of Children’s Literature-3

2.2 The Features of Children’s Literature-3

2.3 The Research of Translation of English Children’s Literature at Home and Abroad-3

2.3.1The Research of Translation of English Children’s Literature Abroad-3

2.3.2 The Research of Translation of English Children’s literature at Home-5

3  The Main Factors that Influencing the Translation Standards of English Children’s Literature-7

3.1 Cognitive Difference-7

3.1.1 The Readers-7

3.1.2 The Reading Purposes-8

3.2 Background Differences-8

3.2.1The Social Environments-9

3.2.2The Ideologies-9

3.3The Difference of World View between Translators and Readers-10

3.3.1The Consistency of Purpose between Translators and Readers-10

3.3.2 The Translators’ Method Based on the Features of the Children’s Literature-11

4  The Current Translation Standards of English Children’s literature-13

4.1 The Development of Translation Standards-13

4.2 The Accepted Translation Standards of English Children’s literature-14

4.2.1 Focusing on the Original Text-14

4.2.2 Focusing on the Translation-15

4.2.3 The Children’s Perspective-16

5  Conclusion-18


