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 The Book of Poetry is one of the earliest poem collection in ancient China. Plants are necessary for people to make live. Many plant images appear in this book, and these images could express the deep feeling and emotion of poets. Foreignizition theory is one of the most important translation theory which is put forward by Venuti and it focuses on preserving the original text's feature to promote the cultural exchange. This thesis will study the translation of plant images in Xu Yuanchong's version of Book of Poetry, and the author will do some research about the foreigniziton theory, in order to combine the theory with the translating version. In addition, the experience of the translator will be discussed, and the symbolic meaning containing in the plant images will be analyzed in this thesis.


Key Words: Plant image; Foreignizition theory; Book of Poetry





1 Introduction-4

2 Literature review-4

2.1 Studies on the English version of the Book of Poetry-5

2.2 Studies on the Foreignization Theory-6

3 Theoretical Basis of the Research-8

3 .1 Introduction of Venuti's Foreignizition Translation-8

3.2 Domesticating Translation and Foreignizing Translation-8

3.3 Purpose of Venuti's Foreignizition Translation-9

4 The Introduction of Translator and Text-10

5 The Foreignizing Translation of Plant Images-12

6 Conclusion-18

6.1 Major Findings of the Study-18

6.2 Limitation of the Study and Directions for Future Research-18


