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This thesis is based on the studies of Western feminism and many current theories. By analyzing the hero Ellie in Legally Blonde , and discussing her personalities to find the characters that be worth learning by the majority of Chinese women. The minority of Chinese women’s status situation is analyzed, and combines with Ellie to give them education and encouragement. At the same time, hidden inequality is analyzed on the culture of feminism and the influences that feminism had made on the society and women. The thesis can be divided into three sections: the first section mainly presents the feminism and its three major categories. The second section has three parts that analysis the personalities of the hero, her classic statements and the hidden inequality in the film. The last section presents the influences on modern society and individual, and Post-90 girls’values.


Keywords: Legally Blonde; feminism; American women’s personalities





1. Introduction.1

2. Literature review.1

2.1 The Definition of Feminism1

2.2 Major Categories of Feminism2

2.3 Brief Introduction to Legally Blonde.5

3. American mainstream culture embodied5

3.1 Characteristics of Heroine in Legally Blonde5

3.2 Hidden Inequality in Legally Blonde6

3.3 Classic Statements in Legally Blonde 8

4. The influence of feminism in American.10

4.1 The Influence in Modern Society10

4.2 The Influence in Individual——Perseverance10

4.3 The Influence in Post-90 girls’ Values11

5. Conclusion.14

Works Cited.15
