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With the rapid development of economy and the implementation of its opening up policy for three decades, China has become one of the decisive factors in global economy especially since its accession to WTO. The trade between countries cannot take place without business negotiations, so it is a primary task for native business personnel to be well disciplined for the negotiation skills and ability. Up to present, much attention has been paid to the researches on verbal communication and much stress has been laid on speaking skills in business negotiations while nonverbal means is often ignored. However, since a great deal of information is conveyed and received by nonverbal channels, it plays a vital role in the process of face-to-face business negotiations. This thesis aims at arousing readers’ awareness of the significance of nonverbal communication in international business negotiations, providing some useful nonverbal communicative codes and listing some suggestions so as to diminish and even avoid the failure.


Keywords: nonverbal communication; international business negotiations; culture; language 





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Theoretical Framework-4

3.1 Nonverbal Communication-4

3.2 International Business Negotiations-5

4. Nonverbal Communication in International Business Negotiations-6

4.1 Body Language-7

4.2 Paralanguage-9

4.3 Environmental Language-11

5. Suggestions-12

6. Conclusion-14

Works Cited-16
