
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-17
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With the further development of economy and technology, the integration of China and the world is becoming deeper. English has become one of the most important qualities and skills for modern people and its direct manifestation is the ability to communicate in oral English fluently. However, there are still obvious features in our junior middle school oral English teaching which pay little attention to the oral language training and cause students lack oral English skills. The paper discusses prevalent problems and improved methods in junior middle school oral English teaching from constructivist perspective and compares traditional oral English teaching with oral English teaching under the guidance of constructivism by teaching experiment. It aims to improve the effect of junior middle school oral English teaching and promote the whole junior middle school oral English teaching level.


Key words: oral English teaching in junior middle school; constructivism;   teaching experiment





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Relevant studies abroad-1

2.2 Relevant studies in China-2

3. About constructivism-3

3.1 Definition of constructivism-3

3.2 Constructivist teaching theory-3

3.3 Constructivist teaching mode-4

4. Research design and teaching experimental-5

4.1 Subjects-5

4.2 Aim of the experiment-5

4.3 Methodology-5

4.4 Class teaching-6

4.5 Questionnaire and its analysis-6

4.6 Tests-9

5. Oral English teaching under the constructivism-10

5.1 Creating an excellent language environment and psychological environment-10

5.2 Reinforcing the training of vocabulary-11

5.3 Changing teacher’s role-11

5.4 Cultivating students’ cooperation awareness-12

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-13
