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With the development of our society, we have more chances to communicate with foreigners. It stands a good chance of inviting them for dinner or being invited for dinner. In fact, dining is not only a satisfaction of basic physiological needs, but also for our social needs. Table manners are very important, which play a vital role in our daily life. There are many differences between Chinese and western table manners. It’s necessary for us to learn these differences, which enables us to avoid making mistakes. What’s more, it makes us elegant among the crowd. This thesis mainly focuses on the differences of table manners. It introduces the connotations and features of Chinese and western table etiquette, and it shows the manifestations of these differences. Beside these, it makes an analysis of the reasons, which helps people have a deeper understanding of Chinese and western cultures. It will be propitious to develop the cross-cultural communication.


Keywords: table manners; differences; Chinese and western cultures





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Introduction to Chinese and Western Table Etiquette-3

4. Differences between Chinese and Western Table Etiquette-4

4.1 Differences in Etiquette of Dressing-4

4.2 Differences in Arrangement of Seats-4

4.3 Differences in Tableware-6

4.4 Differences in Dietary Principles-8

4.5 Differences in Etiquette of Leaving Table-9

5. Reasons for the Table Etiquette Differences-9

5.1 Different Core Values-10

5.2 Different Environments-11

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13
