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Task-based language teaching method organizes the teaching and gives full play to the cognitive ability of language learners and activates their existing resources. Learners practice their target language by participating, experiencing, interacting, communicating and cooperating during the process of performing the task. This thesis mainly explores the impact of task-based approach on vocabulary teaching. It analyzes the nature and significance of task-based language teaching. We think that language teachers should design the tasks and create a harmonious language environment and chances for the students to use the vocabulary in the language activities. In addition, emphasis should be put on the development of the students’ language learning strategies which may help learners employ the vocabulary skillfully and improve their ability of using the English language.  


Keywords: task-based language teaching; vocabulary teaching; task; language environment 





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Task-based Approach-2

3.1 Definition of task-2

3.2 Components of tasks-3

3.3 Task-based Language Teaching-4

4. Factors Affecting Vocabulary Learning-7

4.1 Lack of learning motivation-7

4.2 Lack of learning strategies-7

4.3 Anxiety-7

5. Benefits of Task-based Approach to Vocabulary Learning-8

5.1 Developing students' motivation-8

5.2 Improving students’ cooperation-9

5.3 Strengthening students’ responsibility-10

6. Implications for Vocabulary Teaching-10

6.1 Developing learners’ learning strategies-10

6.2 Designing three-stage activities in class-12

7. Conclusion-13

Works Cited-15
