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Role-play is a typical classroom activity within Communicative Language Approach. The effective application of role-play in English classes can make the English teaching vivid and interesting and create a relaxed and delightful atmosphere to stimulate students’ learning motivation and cultivate their communicative ability. First of all, this paper lists the present problems of role-play in teaching practice. Then, it illustrates how to design a proper and effective role-play from four aspects, including formulating teaching objectives, creating situation, providing language knowledge and making role cards. The focus of this paper is to discuss how to implement role-play successfully in English classes with a specific case. Studying role-play process of design and implementation in English classes can let English teachers have a better understanding of teaching and improve teaching efficiency, meanwhile students are able to take an active part in English classes and improve their own learning ability.


Keywords: Role-play; English classroom teaching; Design and implementation





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Role-play in English Classes-2

3.1 Theoretical Foundation of Role-play in English Classes-2

3.2 Definition and Classification of Role-play in English Classes-3

4. Problems of Role-play in English Classes-4

5. Design of Role-play in English Classes-5

5.1 Formulating Teaching Objectives-6

5.2 Creating a Situation-6

5.3 Providing Language Points-7

5.4 Making Role Cards-7

6. Implementation of Role-play in English Classes-9

6.1 Preparing Stage-9

6.2 Performing Stage-10

6.3 Follow-up Stage-12

7. Conclusion-15

Works Cited-16
