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Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose works are characterized by rich religious elements, especially his representative work The Scarlet Letter, is the most distinguished romantic novelist in the 19th century America. The masterpiece became an immediate success after its publication in 1850 and is becoming more and more influential in American literature. Through the analysis the development of the heroine Hester Prynne’s personality and destiny in the context of Puritanism, this thesis aims to reflect the positive influence of Puritanism upon her and reveals its illumination to the current American social morality.  


Keywords: Puritanism;ethical morality;The Scarlet Letter; Prynne Hester





1. Introduction-1

1.1 A Brief Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Work-1

1.2 The Writing Background of The Scarlet Letter-2

1.3 The Main Ideas of The Scarlet Letter-2

2. Literature Review-3

2.1 An Introduction to Puritanism-4

2.2 The Puritanical Principles-4

3. Puritanism Embodied in Hester’s Morality-5

3.1 Hester’s Original Sin and Salvation-5

3.2 Hester’s Diligence and Independence-6

3.3 Hester’s Tolerance and Thrift-8

3.4 Hester’s Introspection and Atonement-8

4.The Illumination of Puritanism to Current American Social Ethics-10


Works Cited-12
