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From the feminist perspective, this thesis analyses images of heroes in Sexing the Cherry written by Jeanette Winterson. The parody of three classical tales recombined and nested into one in Sexing the Cherry, subverts heroic images in traditional literature, which takes a new look at heroes that were taken for granted before. Then, as Jordan, the protagonist of the novel, gets more experiences and becomes more mature psychologically, the notion of hero is changing and a true hero comes into view. Winterson gives a new definition of hero which is non-sexist. Through deconstruction and reconstruction of the heroic images, Winterson oversets the way to write in male-dominated society, praises femaleness and calls for confusing the distinction between men and women. For no one has studied Sexing the Cherry from the feminist perspective, the thesis opens a new world for the research of the novel. In addition, the people who get lost in modern society can be enlightened by the essay that ordinary people can live their best in the ordinary life.


Keywords: Jeanette Winterson; Sexing the Cherry; feminism; heroism





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Jeanette Winterson and Her Works-1

1.2 Theoretical Basis and the Study Significance-2

2. Literature Review-3

3. Analysis of the Conception of Hero in the Text-4

3.1 Deconstruction of Heroes by Parody of Three Classical Tales-4

3.2 Reconstruction of Heroes Through Jordan’s Perspective-7

4. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13
