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The taboo is a complicated cultural phenomenon in the human society,we can find it in all cultures all over the world. It is the oldest standard of people’s behaviour;It is a product and a necessity of social development;It is a specific embodiment of the characteristics of ideology, customs, religious belief and so on from generation to generation. This thesis elaborates famous theories in China and West,analyzing the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western taboos on birth, death, sickness, sex, religion, names, colors and numbers, in order to reveal cultural differences and cultural connotation of language in Chinese and Western taboos. The thesis also puts forward several strategies to deal with taboos correctly, so that many misunderstandings can be avoided and we can have a better cultural communication.


Keywords: language; taboo; analysis;intercultural communication 





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Theoretical basis and researches of taboo at home-1

2.2 Theoretical basis and researches of taboo abroad-2

3. Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Western Taboos-3

3.1 Similarities of Chinese and Western taboos-3

3.2 Differences of Chinese and Western taboos-5

4. Strategies to Manage Taboo in Intercultural Communication-7

4.1 Master different taboos-8

4.2 Use of Euphemism-9

4.3 Think culturally-10

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13
