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Ambiguity is a universal linguistic phenomenon. In our daily communication, it plays both positive and negative role. Linguistic ambiguity can lead to misunderstanding, becoming a large obstacle to communication. But sometimes people use ambiguity deliberately in order to achieve an unexpectedly special effect. Therefore, it is necessary for us to analyze linguistic ambiguity comprehensively and dialectically to avoid its negative effects to the greatest extent. Meanwhile, people can make good use of its positive functions to reach a certain communicative objective.

Based on the theory of Pragmatics, this thesis combines theory with context. It analyzes the negative effects ambiguity may bring to us and the actions people can take to avoid them. What’s more, the thesis explores the pragmatic value of ambiguity i.e. ambiguity can be intentionally employed in different linguistic situations to achieve certain special pragmatic purposes, and consequently demonstrate the significance of linguistic ambiguity study. 


Keywords: Linguistic ambiguity; negative effect; positive function





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. The Definition and Causes of Ambiguity-3

3.1 Definition of ambiguity-3

3.2 Causes of ambiguity phenomenon-5

4. Negative Effects of Ambiguity-7

4.1 Leading to the listener’s misunderstanding-7

4.2 Bringing unexpected troubles to the speaker-7

5. Avoidance of Negative Ambiguity-8

5.1 Using cultural knowledge-8

5.2 Using shared knowledge-8

6. Positive Functions of Ambiguity-9

6.1 Discourse functions-10

6.2 Rhetoric functions-12

6.3 Aesthetic functions-13

7. Conclusion-14

Works Cited-16
